Intake Date: July 2023
Cricket was a found as a stray in a large field by two PARR volunteers after they were notified of a dumped bun by someone living in the area. She was obviously not cared for by whoever dumped her outside as she had urine scald on the inside of her back legs and a broken toe. She was also dehydrated as she was left outside with no source of water in the middle of the hot summer.
Cricket was brought to the vet the next day where we found that she had end stage dental disease. Xrays showed that her lower molar roots were right down to the bottom of the jaw bone with areas that were at high risk of developing abscesses, and her upper molars were very overgrown. None of her teeth were normal and there were tons of points on her molars that were stabbing her in the cheeks. Her jaw was still intact but just barely. The plan was to do a molar grind and put Cricket on strong pain meds to see how she managed. A rabbit presenting with a monster mouth like Cricket should understandably be in a lot of pain, but Cricket was immediately so happy when she got into foster care. She bonded quickly with her foster mom and demanded constant snuggles, and in return she’d give her kisses. She had a good appetite and was active - running around the room, jumping on the bed and doing head binkies. But with rabbits being prey animals, they can be excellent at hiding when they’re in pain, so we’re always watching out for any indication that Cricket may be uncomfortable. She has regular checkups at the vet and the last time she was in, the vet said her pain is well managed. She goes in for a molar grind as needed, which is usually once every 8 weeks, but otherwise she’s been doing really well. The vets suspect that Cricket is around 5 years old and while it’s possible she may have ended up with dental disease regardless of her diet, if her previous family had kept up with her dental health and taken her to the vet, she likely wouldn’t be in this position with such bad teeth. Either way, we’re happy that we’re able to give Cricket a loving home to retire in for however long she’ll be with us.