Status: Available
Intake Date: 08/01/2024
Gender: Male
Breed: Rex
Color: Black and white
Age at intake date: 3 months old
Medical Notes
Incisor malocclusion
Mr. Moo (or Moopert, as we've been calling him) was found as a stray just when he was a young bun, around 3 months old. He was very lucky that a kind person found him and brought him inside as there were a lot of predators in the area and domestic rabbits don't have the natural instincts to survive in the wild. The very first night Mr. Moo was with his foster, he showed his sweetness by snuggling up into his foster mom's neck for cuddles. His current foster mom says he is the perfect bunny who has excellent litter habits, is not destructive, and just LOVES pets - he melts as soon as he thinks you might be going over to pet him. And he has such soft, velvety fur so how could you resist?! Mr. Moo is a very social and curious boy who has to explore everything he has access to, but he’s still well behaved. And he’s good with cats!
Mr. Moo previously shared a fenceline with his brother, Lil Moo and was very sweet to him. Lil Moo had a severe head injury and Mr. Moo would groom him and give him head kisses through the fence - what a good big brother! Mr. Moo would be a good candidate to bond with a lonely girl bunny - likely of the submissive type as he is quite outgoing and opposites attract in the bunny world! He could do well solo with a family who is around to pay lots of attention to him but we think he'd be happiest with a bunny friend.
Mr. Moo has been neutered, vaccinated and is available for adoption. He had a bit of trauma to his front teeth in the past and his one lower incisor is still growing in a bit crooked but seems to be straightening out over time. We are closely monitoring this in case he needs to go in for another dental at the vet. Even if his incisors even out, it's possible Mr. Moo may need dentals in the future due to his rexxy breed as rexes are more prone to dental disease.
Here's what his foster mom had to say about him:
Moopert was found as a stray with his brother, Little Moo before coming into care at PARR. He was an overall healthy boy but it was noted he had experienced some trauma to his lower left tooth. He has made some great improvements since and has no concerns with eating or chewing on applewood sticks or bamboo sticks (these are his fav). Moopert is the perfect little velvety boy and is so well behaved! He loves pets and will give you lots of tooth purs to tell you you’re doing a great job. If you lay down on his level, he will give your forehead or nose lots of kisses. He comes with excellent litter habits and only chews on things that you provide him with. He is not a baseboard chewer, furniture chewer, and carpet or blanket chewer. Moopert is seen from time to time digging at the blankets laid in his space and inside his hiddie house dome, as if to say “foster Mom, you did it wrong!”. Moopert is a very social and curious boy who loves to explore everything he has access to. He’s even good with cats! Moopert would do best in a larger room to himself or an area that is bunny proofed as he is constantly running around and loves the space to binky. Moopert is neutered, vaccinated and would love to meet his future lonely girl bunny!